Pixel Shell x Lorenza Ponce
Website of fiddle player in the Bon Jovi band. Replacing client’s WordPress template with a custom, Bootstrap powered child theme. Built with and since running WordPress v3.0, updating the existing website to 4.0 necessitated refactoring the original design, content and meta-info structure into a new framework.
Content Type Options
Creating custom post type functions allowed us to wrangle post content away from unwieldy categorization options to provide organized, easy to use content management options. In addition to custom page templates defined for each content type archive and individual page instances, our functions allow custom meta values per content type.
Event Listing Hierarchies
Distinct content types, concert events and concert tour functions allow grouping events by seasonally scheduled tours. Our solution provides an events listing system that generates tour and all events archives, and also stand-alone pages for each event and individual tours showing grouped events.